Orientation / Preview Trip

Orientation trip is the most important part of the relocation package and it’s success will define whether assignee and the family will decide on relocating to this destination or choosing another one.

Orientation / Preview trip is the most important part of the relocation package and its success will define whether assignee and the family will decide on relocating to this destination or choosing another one. Businesses are constantly on the look for new talents and need their new team members to happily join the new location. Global Relocation Consultants team consists of the people who love and know their countries, and this is the reason we help relocating families fall in love with the new locations as well.

We will dedicate a consultant to spend a full day with the family on orientation tour covering major points to help family feeling at home in the new part of the world.

During the tour we will visit the areas of interest which usually cover:

  • Residential areas close to the workplace or Schools depending on requirements
  • Discuss and show schooling options
  • Discuss housing options and visit housing areas with showing sample properties. All information about rental practices in the destination will be provided.
  • Show and visit major shopping facilities and provide all required information about places where to purchase different items the family would need.
  • Point out medical facilities in the area and discuss existing medical system.
  • Discuss local culture, provide some business and advice on business etiquette and a dress code.
  • Open discussion on other topics – obtaining goods and services, recreation and leisure facilities, places of socialization and volunteering and many others